We’ve begun! Week one started off with a meeting to discuss our secondary objective. Vilia had brought up the idea of air sample collection and this was the most viable idea put forward so we decided to roll with it. Shurui brought up three adafruit sensors he had come across that we could use in parallel with collecting air samples but ultimately the team decided to stick with the Adafruit TSL2591 High Dynamic Range Digital Light Sensor. Since we had all the parts necessary to complete the project we decided to split the work into smaller specialist groups so that we could meet the deadline.

Arun Ravindran
Electrical Team

Dhairya Trivedi
Electrical Team

Hasnain Cheena
Electrical Team

Vilia Li
Electrical Team

Joel Raichur
Mechanical Team

Panduka Alwis
Mechanical Team

Jonathan Alphonso
Mechanical Team

Shurui Li
Data Team
Currently the Electrical team has finished most of the soldering and has begun designing code to test the components. Shurui has ordered the Light sensor and it is expected to arrive within two weeks. The mechanical team has brainstormed a few ideas for air sample collection and we’ve come across a pinion and gear solution that could be viable. However Joel pointed out that we should probably consider the size of everything before going head first into buying components for the air sample collection. So we’ve decided to first make a model of the chasis and the electrical components first in creo and then discuss further ideas for air sample collection. We hope to have the electrical components tested and the chasis designed on creo by next week.