Christmas is in 58 days.
Additionally, the launch day is in less than 58 days. Luckily, here at DEW-IT Corp we’ve been working on the Palpatine with exactly the amount of dedication that we haven’t shown for writing timely blog posts, and are well on track to having a functioning payload ready by launch day. See the photographic evidence provided below! Observe evidence of our remarkable progress! Marvel at our vigorous industry! Be astounded by our incredible feats of daring and creative derring-do!
Part 1: DEW-IT and the adventure of the circuit board that was slightly too wide

We found the main board was slightly too wide to fit in the specified space – so we cut off the excess.
Part 2: DEW-IT and the Palpatine Mk.I
Part 3: DEW-IT and the Palpatine Mk.II

…and applying the real decals, to add an extremely important, totally functional and fully relevant message to the Mk.II’s body.
Golly, what fun! Now all that’s left to do is make sure the lid fits nice and tight, sort out the wireless connection and finish coding the thing.
Merry Christmas,
and to all a good night,