Week One

INTRO We’ve begun! Week one started off with a meeting to discuss our secondary objective. Vilia had brought up the idea of air sample collection and this was the most viable idea put forward so we decided to roll with it. Shurui brought up three adafruit...

Interesting Post Title Goes Here

Hello to the QR code scanners (the people scanning, not the scanners themselves), the internet trawlers, and the genuinely interested. We are Team 3 (The Elon Musketeers, if you swing that way) in the Auckland Programme for Space Systems’ P-Sat challenge, and this is...

Hey There!

Hey there, we’re team Percosat and our goal is to launch a Cansat by the end of October to test equipment and gather data. Currently our main objective is to transmit data collected by a gyro-meter, accelerometer, magnetometer, GPS, and barometer in 1 second...