Assembly Part One: Soldering

Welcome to installment one of Sakayan’s Soldering Tips! The weekly blog series that will teach you how to solder safely, sensibly, and stylishly. When presented with a P-Sat project, its always a good idea to get all to parts out on the table in a random order...

The Mission

But why form a team at all? What common challenge has caused this colourful collection of comrades to coalesce? What is our mission? The mission (a summary): Launch Measure all the things Survive landing Plot all the measurements of all the things ??? Profit What? Yes...

The “Team”

The driving force behind any team project is a well-formed and cooperative team. You may be wondering, “Elon Musketeers- how did you obtain yours?”. It all started one evening. Six to-be Musketeers were surprised to find themselves with-message in their Facebook...

Interesting Post Title Goes Here

Hello to the QR code scanners (the people scanning, not the scanners themselves), the internet trawlers, and the genuinely interested. We are Team 3 (The Elon Musketeers, if you swing that way) in the Auckland Programme for Space Systems’ P-Sat challenge, and this is...